Smat's Blog

Smat's world

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I am such a devoted mother

In order to support EBS through her Media Studies GCSE In One Year course (for which she had to read Pride and Prejudice during the holidays), I have forced myself to endure six hours of Colin Firth* in breeches and boots, and this evening I have another two hours doing a "compare and contrast" excercise with the Matthew MacFadyen film version.
Life is hard.

* "Who's Colin Firth? Is he one of those old blokes you fancy Mum?" Honestly, teenagers today have no idea.


  • At 12:58 PM, Blogger patroclus said…

    Apparently Colin Firth lives in Chiswick, but I haven't seen him around.

    I think you should have a showing of Another Country, just for good measure.

  • At 10:36 PM, Blogger Smat said…

    "Tommy, can I call you Tommy, Tommy?" etc etc.
    Not sure that's something I want to share with my eldest to be honest. She already thinks I'm seriously weird (and that's "not weird in a good way, actually Mummy"). Oh the shame.


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