Smat's Blog

Smat's world

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Roundabouts - what's the point?

Can't stand them, especially when the directions signs are as useless as the ones in Milton Keyes. (incidentally - Milton Keynes - what's the point? Every time I've been there, it's been a disaster. Went to buy a dress in 1988, shops didn't have it in stock, had to get a bus to London - huge adventure for Little Smat From The Sticks; went to see The Doors at the cinema circa 1991, spent second half of the film desperately hoping Jim would get on with the dying so I could go to the loo, then friend's car broke down on the way home; today discovered the Triple Roundabout From (or possibly To) Hell. )
But DD1 enjoyed her Maths course, and I planned the Management assignment. And Milton Keynes is now a long long way away.

Monday, June 27, 2005

School days

Spending too much time at the school - as well as lollipopping on Friday (good day to do it as not many children or cars), we spent most of the day cleaning classrooms on Saturday in preparation for a visit from (scary voice of doom) The OFSTED Inspectors this week. Fortunately they're not getting to see my invaluable help with recorder lessons ("left hand goes at the top, remember, and make sure you properly cover all the holes") as I don't think I'm cut out to be a teacher, despite the genes. Back lollipopping this afternoon, and hopefully checking out a new pre-school this week too. When can I find time to finish my Management assignment?