Smat's Blog

Smat's world

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Smat vs the digestive biscuits - let battle commence

No, I'm not going to let the digestives beat me because I am the adult in the relationship, and they are going to stay in the biscuit box where they can taunt me as much as they like. I don't care because I am going to be a size 12 whether they like it or not. Hah!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Home Organisation isn't as easy as it looks.

Following last week's spurt of cleaning enthusiasm, I've reverted to normal, and am researching Home Organisation websites. And what a fascinating place it is too.
There's Flylady who advocates "Loving Yourself"*, making your sink all shiney, and ALWAYS wearing shoes. She sends you out a mixture of bossy emails and "inspiring" testimonials**.
There's Organized Home and it's sister site Organized Christmas***, with lots of supportive Americans telling each other that all they need to do is buy some more storage boxes.
My personal favourite at the moment though is the Hillbilly Housewife - I need to start by making ( and presumably wearing) a frilly pinny and putting my hair up in a bun, then automatically people will give me respect in my role as Homemaker. Apparently.
There's also something I've discovered called "modest clothing" which deserves further investigation, although I suspect I may also need to become a Surrendered Wife .
Off to practice "Yes, darling, of course you can make all the decisions in this relationship".

* but not in any sexual way
** that's "inspiring" as in "total weirdo alert"
*** at least now I have next year's teacher presents planned.

Edited to add: Baby Smats passed all ballet exams with flying colours, and I've lost 27lbs to date.