Are Pets More Work Than Children?
Currently mother to two more 'babies' (three if you count Next-Door's rabbit, of which more later). Emma was really sweet, if a touch frog-like, but cleaned her teeth every night. Now she's gone but has left behind Jack, who should really be in bed by now. Ollie has lots of baths (good sign for a boy), but we don't know yet the sex of his offspring.
Yes, the Baby Smats have acquired Tamagotchis, which are actually proving more fun for myself and Mr Smat ("I just earned 100 points playing Header!"), in an attempt to prove that they (the Baby Smats, not Mr Smat and I - we've proved out credentials) are responsible enough to have A Pet. I'm pushing for a cat (doesn't need walking, will poo outside) in preference to anything rat-like which needs an indoor cage. I am however strangely tempted by a rescue greyhound, although that may be due to the many articles I've read recently in the Sunday broadsheets.
(note to self: you're not trendy enough to follow broadsheet advice especially ref: keeping chickens).
But I'm using Next Door as an example of How Not to Do Pets (or children if it comes to that). Their rabbit is, as I type, eating the grass in MY garden. They let it out of it's run because "it doesn't like being in there". So now it's in MY garden, eating MY grass, and pooing where MY bare feet will tread in it while hanging out the washing. If I wanted poo all over the place I'd've had children. Oh yes, been there, done that. They come with vomit as well. Fortunately we were waiting till potty training had been accomplished to replace all internal carpeting.
But suggestions for dealing with rabbit please; also which pet would make a suitable addition to the House of Smat?
Yes, the Baby Smats have acquired Tamagotchis, which are actually proving more fun for myself and Mr Smat ("I just earned 100 points playing Header!"), in an attempt to prove that they (the Baby Smats, not Mr Smat and I - we've proved out credentials) are responsible enough to have A Pet. I'm pushing for a cat (doesn't need walking, will poo outside) in preference to anything rat-like which needs an indoor cage. I am however strangely tempted by a rescue greyhound, although that may be due to the many articles I've read recently in the Sunday broadsheets.
(note to self: you're not trendy enough to follow broadsheet advice especially ref: keeping chickens).
But I'm using Next Door as an example of How Not to Do Pets (or children if it comes to that). Their rabbit is, as I type, eating the grass in MY garden. They let it out of it's run because "it doesn't like being in there". So now it's in MY garden, eating MY grass, and pooing where MY bare feet will tread in it while hanging out the washing. If I wanted poo all over the place I'd've had children. Oh yes, been there, done that. They come with vomit as well. Fortunately we were waiting till potty training had been accomplished to replace all internal carpeting.
But suggestions for dealing with rabbit please; also which pet would make a suitable addition to the House of Smat?